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Jogathon Update: (2018)
JOG A THON RESULTS ARE IN!!! We are completely blown away! Numbers are still coming in, but to date we have reconciled all the numbers from cash/checks/Pledgestar and employee matching to $87,840.30. Last year we raised around $66,000 so to have a $20,000+ increase from last year is incredible. So from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you and your students for your dedication and hard work in making this a HUGE success! We are ready to do some amazing things at Jacob Wismer!
Congratulations to all of 2nd grade for earning the most money by grade level. All 5 classrooms combined raised a total of $19,136!!!! Congratulations!
And, a huge shout out goes to the following classrooms for raising over $4,000 each!
5th place – Mrs. Little’s class raising $4,034
4th place – Mrs. Toevs’ class raising $4,161
3rd place – Mrs. England’s class raising $4,221
2nd place – Mrs. Kerrigan’s class raising $4,233
1st place – Mrs. Eggers’ class raising $4,295
We will be sending out invitations/permission slips this week for the 66 kids who raised over $350 to attend the pizza party that will take place after school on Tuesday November 27. Be on the lookout for those!
If you have any questions, please email Amy Charon at